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quarta-feira, dezembro 03, 2003
  Permitem-me que regresse por instantes a DESGRAÇA?
Lembram-se de uma referência a um texto crítico do professor Michael S. Kochin àcerca do livro "DESGRAÇA"?

Pois bem, o professor passou por este blogue, e deixou-nos na caixa do correio mais informações interessantes àcerca da obra e do autor. Aqui vos deixo alguns extractos:

Sobre Coetzee:
Here is a man who does not believe that literature can save us. The prize is given, according to the terms of Alfred Nobel's bequest, for "the most outstanding work in an ideal direction," while J.M. Coetzee's works expound a critique of the ideals of the modern West and of the possibilities of literature as a vehicle for those ideals. Coetzee has tackled both the transient and the permanent difficulties of modernity: rationalist social engineering as exemplified in Western colonial projects from Vietnam to Zululand, modern humanism, and the hope for a rational system of ethics.

More important, Coetzee has in his fiction critically explored the notion that literature as we know it can promote humane ideals. His work constitutes a radical challenge to our learned prejudice that Western high culture can help twenty-first century men and women find a humane life together. Coetzee criticizes Western high culture from within: His essays reveal him as a penetrating critic of great figures of modernist fiction such as Robert Musil. Yet Coetzee's greatest literary debts as a novelist are to the experimental formalism of writers such as Franz Kafka and Samuel Beckett. Like Kafka and Beckett, Coetzee carries on literary modernism's critique of technological modernity while parodying modernism's aspirations that literature can replace religion as a ground for community and as a moral compass.

IN "DISGRACE," we see not only the end of romance, but also the apparent end of all distinctively human possibilities for a life worth living, as racial inequality is overcome by tribal chaos. In the face of the brutal reality of the South African past, nostalgia for civilization and its values is untenable--the only solace that Coetzee's character Lurie holds out to the reader is the possibility of redemption through an art that accompanies the memorial traces of longing, like the soft trio of instrumentalists on cello, flute, and bassoon accompanying the singer in Lurie's unfinished and perhaps unfinishable opera on Byron's last mistress, Teresa. Yet that art can only redeem us if its value is recognized by a human future whose probability Coetzee presents as highly questionable.

Novamente sobre Coetzee:
Coetzee is a disturbing writer because he excavates the lost possibilities of the Western tradition only to extinguish the hopes that we have wrongly placed in Western high culture. The white male academic, who reads Coetzee seeking self-knowledge, is told that his days are over by one who knows the promises and the failures of Western literature as well as any critic of our time. Such a reader, to say nothing of others, must face the fact that after him will come not a global cultural wasteland, but something wholly new, whether local, peripheral, national, or global. From this rebirth, Coetzee claims, a reader sufficiently versed in Western high culture to appreciate Coetzee's own critique is by virtue of that very knowledge excluded. Perhaps the most disturbing possibility Coetzee raises, for his typically secularist reader, is that this rebirth might come out of Christian faith in the value of suffering, a faith that demands its believers spurn humanist affirmations of permanent value in the beauties of form.

Obrigada, professor!



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